Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have been challenged a lot lately about being generous.
With South African being one of the most unequal countries in the world the disparities are glaring, in my face in fact.
There is so much need and I have so much in comparison. It is not that these differences between rich and poor are new but more the exposure that I now have to the poor and poverty that is challenging my thinking on my generosity. What do I do with this reality and the gospel's clear call to be generous, to give to share, to help, to be involved, to be community and family.

I am realizing that when I was living in the suburbs in SA and the USA, especially on the college campus, it was so much easier not to be generous, to believe that everyone has enough. When we live in communities that shelter us from the realities of the world it is easy to believe in a gospel that doesn't require us to give of ourselves and our resources. A gospel that is just a personal relationship with God. I have chosen not to have that privledge anymore.

I think that this is why Jesus was with the people. He wanted to see. How else can you see that someone is hungry and give them something to eat, see that someone is thirsty and give them something to drink,
see that someone is a stranger and invite them in, see that someone needs clothes and clothe them, see that someoneI is sick and look after them, see that someone is in prison and visit them.

I am deeply challenged by Jesus words and his actions. I hope that Jesus will receive my feeble attempts at being more generous as my blind eyes start to see. I hope I have the courage not to run away.

Some questions that I am asking...
Does the standard 10% giving to the church cut it when a friend looses a job, can't feed his family and you have a savings account?
Does the standard 10% giving cut it when a friend is sick and doesn't have money to go to the doctor?
Does the standard 10% cut it when there is hunger and pain?

Who's money is this anyway and what did God give it to me for? For myself, my family? Or did God bless me with resources to join him in offering a drink and clothing a brother or sister. I have friends who have considerably less than I do but support multiple family members, share whatever they have, live a communal life of generosity.

I realize that I can't be God, I can't be the solution to all the problems I see, but I do see and God is calling me to be generous, to use his money to bless others. To share and be involved, rather than isolate and protect what "I have earned."

Thank you to all those who give generously to us, we are honoured to be your hands and feet. You are a model of God's provision. Join us as we wrestle with being rich in a world with intense need.

Please share any thoughts...


sue zanin said...

Hi Trev, Chrissie & Keira Thanks for your thoughts. You are so right and I pray that God continues to use and bless you so that you can bless others. I really admire the fact that you are wanting to share your whole life with your friends in Zandspruit and I pray that God will somehow touch us all to be more caring and generous to those around us. How are you all doing healthwise these days? Lots of love

Anonymous said...

Hi Trev, your thought really strikes me, that Y i normally confuse you for a black person.

you r writing from your heart and blessed is the hand that giveth.U r true blessing of Zandspruit
your life will touch many and heal the wounds
sure broer